Saturday, October 4, 2014

Using Mind- mapping and flashcards to learn Medical terms

     If you are a student in a medical profession, you will be struggling to memorize hundreds of medical terms. Mind- maps can be a very effective tool to learn and organize and understand, medical terms. It can help you revise and better understand the connections and relationship between the terms. There is no right way or wrong way to mind-mapping. There are many videos on YouTube to show you how to start. You will develop your style as you go. Tony Buzan is a famous leader on the subject.  

       Flashcards, can also be another tool for learning new medical terms. You can buy them online , or you can make your own set. They come in all sizes, choose what works for you. Flashcards are easy to carry with you anywhere and can be used in weekly revisions and in test preparations. You can even organize them in boxes or in files for future use. 

two meter long mind-map you can hang on the wall

 A3 mind-map 

use color pens

 can be bought through Amazon

Friday, January 24, 2014

Inside the O.R. | Pt. 1 of 7

Doctors tips to help manage cold and flu

Doctors tips to help manage cold and flu

link to the article above


Words in the article:



 stuffy nose - itchy throat - sneezing - coughing - body ache - chills  - congestion - 


flu season - cough syrups - antibiotics - chicken soup - flu shot - vaccination - plastic squeeze bottle - pain reliever - over the-counter - non-prescription - soap -



Dr. Al-Farouqui discovers the secret behind not sleeping